Sunday, 5 March 2017

FENUGREEK- Wonder Ingredient For Dandruff Hair Fall and Dry Face...

When we start our regular beauty routine for face we should not exclude our hair, after all who does not want a shiny bouncy hair with a shiny silky smooth gorgeous face? Ladies i want to remind you that all the DIY'S i am going to post here or already posted are TRIED TESTED and TRUSTED, the best part is i have tested these on my self. So do not worry for authenticity and do not hold back on trying these amazing DIY'S.
Here we go, with just one ingredient which is perfectly miraculous for our dry hair problems and for our dry facial skin. All natural no side effect and loads of benefits giving our skin and hair a blast of minerals and essential nutrients it craves, for having that perfect glow, shine and beautiful look.

Our miracle ingredient is FENUGREEK SEEDS(METHI DANA)
It is found in every Indian kitchen and you can buy yours at any Indian outlet.


                                                                                                                                                              Well fenugreek seeds are every thing you want for your face and hair. Apart from its hydrating properties it has loads of Vitamin C necessary for boosting collagen formation of our body. It also is a rich source of protein and B Vitamins making it an excellent mask for hair. Protein adds thickness and volume to our hair while B Vitamins strengthens the hair follicles thus making strong rooted hair. On the other side it also is rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients giving it that lustre we want. While it treats your hair fall problems it cures your dandruff too. I am not talking without proof and i do not claim just for the heck of it. Believe me the two biggest hair problems thats HAIR FALL and DANDRUFF is gone, leaving me with thick problem free shiny smooth hair.

Until now i explained the hair part now lets see how it works for face. So many of us have really dry skin and we often get stuck when we try some beauty products on our face before rocking the party or a date or any other important occasion. Dry skin usually tends to hold beauty products in little cracks, patches and what not giving an uneven tone to our face and leaving us insecure and sad.
Ladies just do not worry because fenugreek comes to your rescue here and it works wonders. It hydrates skin deeply, evens out skin tone and makes it super smooth and supple.

HOW TO MAKE THIS WONDER MASK; Take half a cup of fenugreek seeds and put them in a vessel to boil,add 4 cups of water. Boil until seeds soften. Cover the vessel with a proper lid and keep it overnight. Next morning grind these seeds and make a good paste. If you feel its consistency is very thick add a little amount of water.

HOW TO APPLY; For Hair- apply this paste to the scalp covering the roots of hairs and go to the tip of your hairs. Cover your hair with an old scarf or shower cap. Keep this pack for 3hrs minimum but one can keep this overnight and wash off in the morning. Rinse your hair well with water and make sure it comes off easily,do not be hard on your hair to clean it because if anything remains that will come off when you comb your dry hair. Apply your usual hair oil after your hair has dried up keep it overnight or as you keep it routinely and then shampoo. Do this mask weekly and unfold its great healing properties.
You can also incorporate it in your hair oil. Use coconut oil,make sure its organic one. Boil fenugreek seeds in coconut oil until it turns red. Cool it down and store it in a container, use this oil routinely as you use your normal hair oil (every 3rd day) and see the benefits. You will notice a visible reduction in hair fall to no hair fall at all.

HOW TO APPLY;For Face- when you have already made a paste for your hair just save some for face. Mix one to two teaspoons of sour curd to this paste, now apply evenly on your face. keep it on for 20 minutes or until it dries. Massage it on face for 2 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Apply routine moisturiser. Try this mask before going out, it evens skin tone,hydrates it and makes it supple which in turn makes application of beauty products easy. There you are ready to rock that event with confidence.

Give it a try and you would be amazed with results. Fenugreek seeds are a must have beauty ingredient with loads of benefits for both skin and hair. It has enormous health benefits as well which i am going to incorporate in upcoming posts, till then you can enjoy the mask given above.

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